I want to write a quick disclaimer. For any attempts I may make to review any dropzone, these reviews are simply my own opinions. I’m not the most experienced skydiver, and I may simply not ‘get it.’ When I talk about the vibe of a dropzone, that is just my opinion on the vibe there. I might hate the vibe in a certain place, but this might just be my own preference. You might love that very same vibe! In some cases my review of a dropzone will only be based on a small snapshot in time. In these cases I’ll do my best to write this explicitly in the review. I might only be able to visit for a few days or even a few jumps. In all cases, please also note the date of my review. Dropzones can change over time. So maybe if there was something I really liked or disliked about a given dropzone, that might have changed by the time you arrive.
I’ll try to be as objective as I can in my reviews. But please note that a lot of what I’m trying to assess is difficult to review objectively. I am not a professional critic, and so I’m not out here doing more serious professional moves to review things accurately. Rather I make a lot of inference in my reviews to try and understand how a dropzone works and determine my comfort level with it.
Finally, if something changes about my understanding of a dropzone, I will absolutely attempt to update my review with that new information. Usually in an addendum at the end of the review – and where appropriate with edits into the original review – marked as edits.