Today is an exciting day for me. Today I am announcing the release of a brand new web service I’ve been working on in silence for a bit. Introducing SecRate.io! The name means “security ratings”; and that’s exactly what you can do on the site. SecRate allows the world at large to rate the rest of the web (both sites, and mobile applications) on their security and privacy features.
You can think of it as being a bit like the Yelp of information security. Rather than rating how great a business did when delivering your food however, you’re instead rating your subjective perception of a website or app in their delivery of security, and their protection of user privacy. With enough subjective perceptions collated together we begin to get a very near to complete picture about who can or cannot be trusted on the web.
I’ve been working on SecRate with the vision of being able to protect the private information of my friends, neighbors, countrymen, and the world at large. The average person often feels powerless to make informed decisions about what companies are evil, or which sites are liable to be breached.
SecRate changes that entire paradigm. Now, anyone with an internet connection has access to up to date information from the global community, privacy experts, information security practitioners, journalists, etc. SecRate empowers the world to decide together who to trust!
In this modern world, the greatest threat that users face no longer comes from “computer viruses”. The average user isn’t regularly downloading software from the internet and running it locally. Instead, the big threat is that a user will input their personal information into a website which does not adequately protect them from data breaches, or which simply sells off their personal information to the highest bidder.
With SecRate, if you know a truth about a company, you can tell your story for the world to hear. And if you’re wondering which sites might be dangerous, but aren’t sure where to look to find out; this is the place for you!
SecRate is entirely free for home users, check it out here: https://SecRate.io